Jessica Ross joined SCHS for the 24-25 school year. She is a special education teacher that specifically deals with science and Geometry labs. Ross has been teaching for 21 years now, all of those years took place at Hardin Middle School.
“I’m very big into social justice and I hope to be able to make more accessible clubs for people that may struggle in a normal setting,” Ross said.
Ross hopes to make a school where everyone thrives, socially, academically and in extracurriculars. She came to our school to broaden her experiences, and is currently working on her second masters degree. At Hardin she ran the U.N.I.T.E club and hopes to pick that up at the beginning of next school year at SCHS.
“I want everyone to find their sense of belonging,” Ross said.
When she continues the U.N.I.T.E club in the following year, she has a specific goal to make that safe space that she wants everyone to have. Ross specifically advocates for students with IEPs and learning disabilities. Ross believes that students with these issues are not given as much of a chance in extracurriculars and need the same help they receive in school.
“Currently I am collecting data on the students who play sports and who of those students has an IEP,” Ross said.
Next year she is looking for students to possibly recruit, and also ways to expand the club. She hopes to do inclusive activities focusing on wellness and positivity.