Student of the Month
  • Rose Van Berkum, Colleen Ney, Alex Neubauer, Peyton Hess, Talan Mathus, Crystal Roeper Makriako, Grace Basler, Connor Murray, Natasha Jones, Kamiah Drones, Braylen Ballard, James Perkins, Tyley Palmer, Gabriel Lopez, Stevie Myers, Lamia Linson.
The student news source of St. Charles High School


The student news source of St. Charles High School


The student news source of St. Charles High School


Times a Changing

Mrs. Freeman and Mr. Doss move on and begin their retirement
Emma Langstadt
Mr. Doss and Mrs. Freeman retire

Many teachers are leaving this year, however only math teacher Denice Freeman and business teacher Bryan Doss are actually retiring. They have both been in the building for numerous years and a lot of people will be sad to see them go.

“I’m going to miss everything about Mrs. Freeman,” said math teacher Bree Norwine, “I’m not going to have a work bestie anymore.” 

Mrs. Freeman started working as a teacher 30 years ago.

“I started teaching when I was at Fort Zumwalt in 1994, but then I started working at High. I didn’t start teaching here just because of Mr. Freeman being here,” Freeman said. “I started teaching here because I graduated from here in 1989 I just felt like this is where I was supposed to be.“ 

In all of her 30 years there’s always going to be a lot to reminisce and reflect on. 

“The coolest part of teaching was that me and Mr. Freeman went here and then our daughter went here. This school is like a family so it’s going to be very hard to leave,” said Freeman.  

Because of Freeman helping and running Renaissance it’s hard to imagine it without her however.

“Mr. Freeman is still going to be doing Renaissance and Mrs. Kohr is going to be taking over for me,” Freeman said.

On the business side of things, Doss has been a favorite of many.

“I’ve been a teacher for 28 years but I’ve only been at High for 25,” said Doss. “I started here because I grew up in St. Charles and I went to St. Charles West but when I was young there was no St Charles West so I always thought I’d go to High.”

During all of those 28 years memories tend to stick with people, especially positive experiences.

This school is like a family so it’s going to be very hard to leave.

— Denice Freeman

“Ive had lot of memories of students who have been successful and our sports used to be very good including football,”  said Doss

But that’s not the only sport Mr. Doss has good memories with; he was the baseball coach from 1998-2004 and a basketball coach from 1997-2014.

“We went to the final four state in baseball,” said Doss, “with basketball I coached boys and girls of all different levels and on the boys side we won a state championship.” 

It’s very easy to remember the negatives even when it comes to life long jobs. 

“The bomb threat messed up a day real bad, but overall I’ve loved working here and I’m glad I’ve done it.” 

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