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The student news source of St. Charles High School


The student news source of St. Charles High School


The student news source of St. Charles High School


On Friday, February 14th, Sophomore Gyzell Whitehurst helps create the set for the spring musical along with her fellow classmates. Gyzell used an electric saw for the first time in her life to cut wood that will be used for the set.

Leading The Way

by Jewel Underwood, Staff Writer March 18, 2025

Nick Saubers who teaches the Leadership class has his students working on numerous projects throughout the course of  this semester. They create projects set for the classroom environment and even do...

Going for the Gold

Going for the Gold

by Caitlyn Buchholtz, Staff Writer March 12, 2025

On March 23-26th, St Charles High school’s very own DECA group will be headed to state in Kansas City, with the lead of President Chris Cortes-Lopez and Vice President Jayden Carey. Members have been...

Jake Crossman, Connor Marvin, Will Moor, Maximilian Sheils, and Hunter Wells.

Awards Season

by Renata Restrepo, Sports Editor & Social Media Manager March 4, 2025

Winning the Des Lee and earning a spot to play in the honor band is an amazing accomplishment that highlights musical talent and dedication. To be asked to play in the honor band is to showcase top-tier...

Nick Prinster next to his Cessna-172 owned in partnership

Mastering Flight

by Violet Lewis, CoEditor-in-cheif February 25, 2025

This past December SCHS alum (class of 1961) Nick Prinster was awarded the Wright Brothers Master Pilot award. The Wright Brothers award is an honorable award given to pilots who have achieved 50 years...

Jack Moss hugs another football coach after High beat West. Moss will be the new girls track coach

Passing The Baton

by Holden McKean, Activities Editor February 4, 2025

A big change has hit the girls track team in the form of a brand new head coach. Jack Moss, our school’s own ISS teacher, has stepped up and taken over Christine Hilburn’s old position as head coach...

Eddy teaching in his Math lab

Language Boost

by Emily Klug, Copy Editor February 4, 2025

James Eddy has been teaching Spanish at St. Charles High School for three years, and this year he began teaching an Algebra Lab class. This lab class is a support in addition to an Algebra class for extra...

Stepping Up in the Ranks

Stepping Up in the Ranks

by Emily Klug, Copy Editor December 19, 2024

Junior Connor Marvin started off by making the All-Suburban Band, which is a select honors band for 7th and 8th grade students. This made him eligible to compete for the All-State music band. “I had...

Lana Usery and Violet Lewis work on assignments for their Newspaper class. They were chosen as Co Editors Chief.

Newspaper Roles

by Erin Braatz, Staff Writer November 11, 2024

On Sept. 5 at St. Charles High, Violet Lewis and Lana Usery applied and got chosen as CoEditors in Chief to learn independent leadership and accountability for their Newspaper class. They work with...

Gillian performing for the 1st day of school assembly

Flipping Through Routines

by Emily Klug, Copy Editor November 11, 2024

Junior Gillian Phillips has been on the St. Charles High Cheerleading team for about two years now, since the Winter season of her Freshman year. Gillian did gymnastics for 15 years (since she could walk)...

Logan Ruesch walks around in the parade showing off the new look.

SCHS Unveils Clyde’s New Look

by Logan Brown, Co-Photo Editor & Feature Editor October 28, 2024

From structure fires, staffing changes, and brand new policies, it's well known that SCHS has something new everyday. Unlike those events, there is one thing that hasn't changed in years. Our mascot Clyde...

Max Sheils conducts the band.

New Year, New Band

by Lana Usery, Co Editor-in-Chief October 22, 2024

A drum major is the person in the band who conducts and leads the band. This school year the SCHS Band of Pirates has just over 50 members which calls for more leadership. Second year drum major Max Sheils...

Hoco Throughout the Ages

Hoco Throughout the Ages

by Maria Linhoff, News Editor and Co-Photo Editor October 16, 2024

This year, SCHS has 18 Homecoming court members. They are all very excited for the dance, game, and other festivities that go with it. Chase Pugh is one of the senior court members this year and was...

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