A Few More Days for Mental Rest
The St. Charles school district school board approved a schedule change seeing the last Monday and Tuesday of December before Christmas break become additional winter break

During a meeting on November 11th the board of education of our school district made a decision to amend the current schedule for our school year. They proposed the decision to remove Monday, Dec. 20 and Tuesday, Dec. 21 and approved making a full week of break to add to winter break.
“Mental health is the formal/appropriate title for the two days, but they were simply given back so that students and staff could have two extra days to rest and rejuvenate,” Superintendant Dr. Jason Sefrit said, “Mental health is so important and we feel two days added to winter break will give everyone two full weeks and three weekends off to truly unwind and focus on their own well-being.“
These additional days are being nicknamed “Mental Health days” with one of the most important driving factors for the schedule change being the need for additional days for students and staff for mental wellness and reflection.
“We did this same plan last year, and it seemed to be a great benefit to everyone. We are confident it will help propel us into the second half of the school year in a very positive direction,” Sefrit said.
This will not change anything for the end of the year schedule, as it uses the two days of the school year that are planned into the schedule. The school board and especially Dr. Sefrit believes that this will be a major boost mentally for students and staff.
“The Board of Education and SCSD Administration Team care deeply about the well-being of our students and staff. We will always do what we can to keep everyone moving forward in a positive, safe manner,” Dr. Sefrit said, “It’s important to me personally to fully support our students and staff in any way I can as Superintendent. The on-going pandemic has placed a hardship on all of us. We need to do whatever we can to stay united together and do our best!”
This changes the planning of lessons for staff and students which can be a little hard, but knowing how close the extra long break is can help everyone stay happier and more ready to give their all until the end of semester.
“It makes me have to speed up the schedule for what we are doing in class,” Multimedia Teacher Andrew Lawrence said “but yeah, of course it’s always fun to have more days off.”
Overall it seems like a good use of a few extra days in our school calendar, and will be a good schedule change for additional resting and relaxation time Of Course students are very happy about this as well, with it turning what was a normal weekend and a two week break into what will feel like an additional week and weekend.