Student of the Month
  • Rose Van Berkum, Colleen Ney, Alex Neubauer, Peyton Hess, Talan Mathus, Crystal Roeper Makriako, Grace Basler, Connor Murray, Natasha Jones, Kamiah Drones, Braylen Ballard, James Perkins, Tyley Palmer, Gabriel Lopez, Stevie Myers, Lamia Linson.
The student news source of St. Charles High School


The student news source of St. Charles High School


The student news source of St. Charles High School


Being taken backstage: “Sherlock Holmes”

Theater students perform “Sherlock Holmes” for community.
Melanie Mota-Luis
Sherlock Holmes(Chase Schnaible) stands in the middle of the stage.

November 16-18, the SCHS theater students performed “Sherlock Holmes.” On Friday and Saturday, showings of the play happened at 6:00 PM with tickets costing $7 for students and $10 for adults. The Theater had also held a matinee on Thursday, Nov. 16 throughout second block for high school students as well as any of the other district schools that had wanted to come and watch, with tickets starting at $2. 

“Similar thing every year..I think it’s going to go well, there’s definitely room for improvement here and there,” said Max Bomerschein, one of the stage and crew directors. This is Bomerschein’s first year as a stage/crew manager but he has been involved in the crew since his freshman year. 

The cast and crew built all the sets for the play to bring the setting to life. But the cast is what made the show.

This year both of the leads were surprised, but for different reasons. Chase Schnaible, cast as Sherlock, at first was displeased with his role as he had requested to not be a lead. Andrew Schneider, Watson, however was thrilled as he is not usually a lead.

“If I could have been any role I would have been Moriarty…the villainous roles are way more fun,”

— Chase Schnaible

“I felt like it went fine, some people missed cues… but other than that it went amazing,” said Schnaible, Sherlock. 

Theater director Anna Jennings has specifically hand picked Schnaible as the lead. The cast and crew see it as “undeniable that Schnaible was the best fit for the role.”

“If I could have been any role I would have been Moriarty…the villainous roles are way more fun,” said Schnaible

The matinee performance had a fair audience, but most of the theater students were hoping for more of a crowd.

“ I wish we had a lot more people… I’m glad people came and saw it. Whenever I learned I was Dr. Watson I loved it, I don’t get leads often… I’m happy I got the role,”  said Schneider, the cast of Watson.

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  • Sherlock Holmes(Chase Schnaible) investigates the safe box.

  • Match Girl(Yzabella Schultze) kneels to gather her matches.

  • Danika Nalepa(left) and Jessie Morehead protest for women’s suffrage.

  • Joan(Izzy Lathan) looks at Professor Moriarty(Christian Guftafson) as he takes out his weapon.

  • Prince Carl(Malakai Gemmel, left) and Dr. John Watson(Andrew Schneider, right) sit down to discuss the disappearance of the letters.

  • Alexandra Johns(left) and Emma Langstadt discuss the bomb that they plan to use to destroy Sherlock Holmes.

  • Lady Edwina(Piper Ruebling) sits as she speaks with Sherlock Holmes about the contents of the letters.

  • Dr. John Watson(Andrew Schneider) writes as he sits at his desk.

  • Teresa(Maria Linhoff) appears to deliver some news to the Mr. and Mrs. Larrabee.

  • Professor Moriarty( Christian Gustafson) sits as he speaks with another character on stage.

  • Professor Moriarty(Christian Gustafson. left) and Sherlock Holmes(Chase Schnaible, right) argue about Moriarty’s villainous plans.

  • Sherlock Holmes(Chase Schnaible) plays a melodic tune on the violin.

  • Dr. John Watson(Andrew Schneider) sits as he speaks to Sherlock on stage.

  • Professor Moriarty(Christian Gustafson. left) and Sherlock Holmes(Chase Schnaible, right) argue about Moriarty’s villainous plans.

  • Alice Faulkner(Orion Schaub, left) and Sherlock Holmes(Chase Schnaible, right) escape from death as the bomb keeps ticking.

  • Sherlock Holmes(Chase Schnaible) stands in the middle of the stage.

  • Professor Moriarty(Christian Gustafson) makes a phone call to Gertie- a bomb maker.

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