Putting The Ball
The golf team wrapping up the GAC tournament and Districts
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Ashleigh Reed swinging to hit her target.
At the GAC tournament as well as Districts, the golf team had a good season with one of their players hitting a score as low as 94. Four people moved on to Districts and those people were Alex Roesner, Aaron Tinker, Ashleigh Reed, and Hayden Kayser. Even though none of them made it to state, everyone was very proud of what the team did as a whole.
Freshman Aaron Tinker, was the lowest-scoring golfer this season. Tinker went to the GAC tournament this year and he was the lowest-scoring person on our team; he shot 111. Tinker thought he could have done much better this season. He was hoping for a much lower score than what he got, but he was still proud of himself for his hard work and dedication and so were his coaches. He said the reason why he didn’t play to his best was that he wasn’t mentally prepared for the GAC tournament.
“I tried to prepare myself by relaxing my mind and trying to stay calm,” Tinker said.
Tinker also competed in the District. His score was 94 and that was the lowest score that anyone got on the team that day. His coaches and teammates were very proud of what he did this season and getting low scores all season. He has a lot to work on next season but he will be fully prepared next time.
Michael Zachies is the Golf head coach. He has coached this team for years and was very proud of everyone on the team this year and what they accomplished for their goals. Zacheis was very supportive of every team member, especially Tinker; he was the only person on the team who scored such low points at the GAC tournament and Districts. He couldn’t be happier with what the team had accomplished this time around and is ready for next season to strike them once as a giant.
Assistant coach Ryan Hanmore thought the golf season went well. They had a bunch of new golfers this year and they improved their scores by the end of the season. Hanmore was very proud of Ashleigh Reed, Alanina Thomas, Molly Pieper, and Kara Schemkes for playing super well.
“Since we don’t have a girls team, if girls want to play Golf, they have to compete with the boys,” Hanmore said.
One thing that Hanmore thinks that the team could improve on is the short game. That is where you are relatively much closer to the hole. Hanmore explained that once they reached 150 yards from the hole they would make some mistakes and that would add a lot more strokes to their score and it would hurt them later on in the season.