Seize the Degrees; College Banners for Seniors

College banners are hanging in the commons, foretelling the future universities that SCHS seniors will attend.

by Madeline Kratzer, Staff Writer

As the 2023 school year comes to a close, St. Charles High wants to honor the members of the senior class who are moving on to higher education. In order to celebrate the seniors moving onto the next step of their lives at different schools, Renaissance has hung up banners in the Commons with an array of universities that students will be attending. Ashleigh Reed and Georgia Kohr, members of Renaissance, were in charge of creating the college banners.

“The idea with the college banners is to show off our seniors and what they’re doing in the future,” Reed said.

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Along with showing off where SCHS’s seniors are going, the college banners also symbolize how far seniors have come; it shows their accomplishments and their pride in their futures.

“It’s really neat to see that these people are going to further their education and that they’ve worked so hard to get to where they are now,” Kohr said.

The college banners, made of paper and glue are made throughout the year after seniors submit their college acceptance letters and transcripts to Ms. Stewart. At times, Renaissance can find obtaining seniors and their future colleges difficult.

“It’s hard to get people to do it, to tell them to go to Ms. Stewart with their acceptance letter,” Kohr said.

However, for the seniors who do get their names on the college banner, it is an important moment for them.

“I feel proud that I got accepted into a university, but it feels good to have that accomplishment. It’s kind of like that self worth; that feeling that I can do that,” senior Layla Pfaff said.

As each class graduates from a tough four years of high school, it’s important to recognize the bright futures that seniors at SCHS have.











  • Leah Freeman is attending the University of Missouri Columbia, Allison Browning is attending Stephens College and Luc Bourgeade is attending Washington University

  • Hadley Ruebling is going to Missouri Science & Technology, and Kade Slayton is going to the University of Missouri Kansas City

  • Josefina Murillo is going to Jefferson College, and Paris Benton is going to St. Charles Community College.

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