Chasing Goals

The girls soccer season is underway

by Marissa Horn, Copy Editor

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The SCHS girls soccer season had a striking start with their first game having taken place March 17. This season it is believed that the players are more connected with each other than ever. The strong connection between players will ultimately be a huge asset to their success.

“We are doing well at working as a team and building a strong community with each other,” sophomore Quinn Orrick said. 

“I think we are all very bonded and really close this season,” sophomore Rony Jackson said.

It is well known that one of the hardest parts of beginning a new sports season in high school is having to adjust to new players and part ways with the senior players. Even with losing their valuable seniors from last season, the team still has the drive to become victorious.

“I think it’s been hard adjusting to new members, but I think we are getting used to it,” Jackson said.

“It’s been an adjustment, but every year is an adjustment with losing people and gaining new people,” sophomore Charlotte Anderson added.

The team has had a successful past with them making it to districts last season and making it to the state championship only a couple of seasons ago. They continue to play strong and have practice every day after school to maintain their reputation as districts are fastly approaching. With a very competitive division, the team is truly stepping up to the plate to achieve their end goal of winning state.

“We want to make it to state again this year,” Anderson said.

As the team has already played 11 games this season, their record is 4-7. With every game they play, the players truly are improving and all of their wins so far have been shutouts. Their success will continue with their goals set high on achieving victory in the post regular season districts.