Diving into a new year

As the new season starts, more swimmers join the fun

  • Swimmers during 200m “cool down”.

  • Swimmers doing 100m freestyle

  • Swimmer practicing breath stroke.

  • Swimmer practicing back stroke.

  • Swimmers doing a small swim workout.

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by Melanie Mota-Luis, Staff Writer

As the past school year ended, the swim team had lost four swimmers. Swim Coach Lisa Graham and the team members worked hard during freshman orientation to recruit new members for the team. The team gained a few new members, as well as older swimmers returning to the team. This year, there are a total of twelve swimmers. 

The older team members enjoy watching the newer team members grow. 

“I love them. They’re just little baby fish. It’s amazing to see them grow as swimmers,” Team Captain Emma Gilkison said. 

Graham, along with Assistant Coach Paul Wright, work hard to help the swimmers improve their skills.

“I design the workouts and practices to help the girls get faster. I really enjoy the coaching part, watching these girls grow,” Wright said. “The girls are not scared to do some really tough workouts. They work really really hard.” 

The team is very welcoming to the new members, forming a bond with the rest of the team. 

“I like hanging out with my friends at the end of practice. We get to cool down and talk,” Gilkison said. 

Swim team member Lauren Tiedt also agrees that the team is inclusive. 

“They’re awesome. Everyone is really friendly.”