The Gaming Community
Esport members find a place to feel safe to be themselves at SCHS
Mr. Joseph Messina talking to the ESports community
New esports coach Joseph Messina is taking a huge responsibility by watching over students during after school hours for a sport he believes in. At St. Charles High School, esports has finally made an impact on students and teachers. When Messina was approached to be a sponsor he immediately said yes because he believed it was a great opportunity.
“Honestly, I thought it would get tons of kids involved. Every kid has a thing, whether that thing is soccer or football or whatever it is, but I didn’t really think we had a game thing,” Messina said. “I knew that a large population of students are gamers, and to be honest I am too.”
Messina can relate to these students because he is also a gamer. He can relate to the kids and see where they all are coming from. He wants to make sure there is a safe place for these students to express themselves.
“Probably one of the safest places to act yourself,” senior Ryan Funke said. “You have so much freedom of speech in the club, is it insane. Mr. Messina will take everybody’s opinion into account, and the people, they’re really understanding.”
Every student is different in their own way, thanks to Messina, these students get to enjoy some time with other students that have the same interests.
“They come from all kinds of things, that’s the beauty of esports. I find it interesting that they all can respect each other despite their differences,” Messina said.
The meetings are everyday at 2:30 after school. Monday’s are for Smash Brothers players, Thursdays are for Overwatch players, Wednesdays are when every team member meets, and Fridays are for the Varsity to train the JV.
“I just wanted to play games, thought it’d be fun to show off my skills,” senior Shane Butcher said.
The sport is where every student who feels like they don’t fit in because of their interests get to feel like they belong to something more.
“It’s where I belong,” Funke said.