Wootten Temporarily Returns

Retirement can’t stop this guidance counselor

Justin Scofield

More stories from Justin Scofield

Guidance Office, home of Wootten before her retirement.

On Sept. 20 guidance counselor Katie Schweitzer left on maternity leave after the birth of her two twin daughters, Emma and Olivia Schweitzer. In her place while she is absent, Lori Wootten is filling in. Wootten was the P-Z counselor before Schweitzer, but retired in 2014. Now she has returned to substitute for Schweitzer. Schweitzer was very close to her due date before actually leaving school.

“I’m very excited for my children to come,” Schweitzer said. “I’ll be gone for 12 weeks, but when I’m back my family will help with my kids while I’m back at work.”

Schweitzer used to intern for Wootten before her first year officially working here. Now Wootten works with the district as the chairperson for an organization known as Care to Learn.

“It feels like I never left,” Wootten said. “It’s been nice to see people again, but I’m still glad I retired.”