FCA stands for Fellowship of Christian Athletes, each meeting members talk about something different. Anyone can be a member of this club, regardless of their involvement at SCHS. The sponsor of this club is Sadie Kosciuk, who is also a teacher and a coach at St. Charles High School.
“It’s about being in the activities and so we want to be able to push that, we’re here to acknowledge whether or not if you have a faith or not it’s just a club where we can bring people together have a cohesive unit where kids can get to know each other, talk about their faith they’re interested in,” Kosciuk said.
Kosciuk decided to sponsor FCA because she enjoyed it when she was in middle school and high school.
“My sister went through it first then I was always tagging along so they decided to start our middle school branch when I was in eighth grade. Then when I hit high school that’s when I started being more experienced in it. I got to go to camps, I got to go to conferences and then when I got to college I joined a different club called AIA because we didn’t have an FCA. Stands for Athletes In Action but FCA has always been a big part of me because that’s where I started practicing more of my faith. I guess you could say I want to be able to let students know that it’s okay to ask the adults questions and be able to understand,” Kosciuk said.
FCA is for people to help each other out, helping out people’s faith and beliefs, and being a community in all.
“What we do at FCA is where we of course have a different topic every single time. We have a good community where you meet other athletes, activities even just other students that you might want to get to know. We come together and we usually play a game to start off with and just to have fun just to get to know the expeditor being able to just enjoy and just spend time together,” Kosciuk said.