Senior Superlative Winners
The superlatives for the 2023 graduating class were announced
Beside homecoming, prom, and graduation, the senior superlative winners announcement is one of the main events that seniors look forward to during their final year in highschool. This event allows seniors to have their final connection between their classmates as they vote for which students fit which superlative best. Not only do students anticipate this event, teachers do as well.
“They (the seniors) get so excited to see who won what category and saying that you should vote for so and so,” Yearbook Sponsor Brittany O’Keefe said. “It is cute to see who will win what.”
On April 24, a senior meeting in the auditorium was called to give the list of superlative winners. Prior to the meeting, seniors filled out forms to vote for their classmates. The Student Council then collected these votes to determine which seniors have won the particular categories. There was one rule with the senior superlatives in place: no senior can win more than two superlatives. This rule allows more seniors the chance to win categories which increases the positivity towards the superlative process.
“I think it (the senior superlatives) went pretty well, I didn’t hear any complaints about how they went,” Senior Class President Meg Ellison said.
Overall the senior superlatives were a success and was a great way to top off the seniors’ high school experience.
The class of 2023 senior superlative winners go as follow:
Biggest Spender: Cammi Wilkins and Mike Stephens

Cutest Couple: Aly Miller and Isiac Salamone

The Couple That Never Was: Jewel Archie and Kenny Hoang

Biggest Flirt: Molly Pieper and Kofi Mbroh

Biggest Sweetheart: Aly Miller and Toby Goodwin

Most Likely To Be President: Katie Black and Caleb Mertz

Most Likely To Be A Billionaire: Katie Black and Caleb Elliott
Best Dressed: Nyla Roach and Nik Pugh

Most School Spirit: Macy Jones and Trent Beskorovany

Class Clown: Emma Gilkinson and Mike Stephens

Most Artisitc: Kerissa Waters and Luc Bourgeade

Most Likely To Be On A Reality Tv Show: Miciah Crenshaw and Travis Orf

Most Involved: Hayley Newtown and Trent Beskorovany

Best Writer: Victoria Reinbold and Ben Steinhauer

Biggest Bromance: Mike Stephens and Ken Hughes

Worst Case of Senioritis: Mya Bott and Ken Hughes
Most Photogenic: Maddie Jackson and Toby Goodwin

Most Opiniated: Abby Trauterman and Caleb Mertz

Most Likely to Brighten Your Day: Alyssa Birkenmeier and Kade Slayton

Most Talkative: Alaina Thomas and Eli Leech

Best Singer: Aija Cohen-Davis and Cole Theisfeld

Best Actor and Actress: Emily Holtgrewe and Cole Theisfeld
Best Personality: Peyton Birkenmeier and Luc Bourgeade

Most Athletic: Hayley Newtown and Eli Leech

Best Band Musician: Jackie Cortes-Lopez and Logan Doyle

Best Orchestra Musician: Marissa Sipe and Kade Slayton

Best Dancer: Marissa Sipe and Austin Klemme

Most Helpful: Taylor Birkenmeier and Kenny Hoang

Life of a Party: Molly Pieper and Charlie Sheils

Best Hair: Maddie Jackson and Nick Pugh

Best Smile: Jennifer Gargus and Isiac Salamone

Biggest Teachers Pet: Alyssa Birkenmeier and Caleb Elliot

Coolest Car: Hannah Hejnal and Charlie Avols

Worst Driver: Katie Marvin and Blake Wiggs

Most Likely To Be A Teacher: Georgia Kohr and Gavin Goggin

Biggest Gossip: Addi Kersting and Xavier Short

Best Looking: Cammi Wilkins and Donovan Feldwerth

Biggest Glow Up: Grace Skeen and Jack Case

Class Mom And Dad: Meg Ellison and Owen Luthenauer

Most Gullible: Grace Skeen and Martin Murphy

Most Likely To Be Late To Graduation: Alaina Thomas and Gio Marasso

Best Choice To Meet Your Parents: Taylor Birkenmeier and Hadley Ruebling

Most Likely To Be ID’d When They’re 30: Carol Flanagan and Liam Cassidy
Most Addicted To Social Media: Addi Kersting and Kofi Mbroh
Most Likely To Fall Asleep During Class: Mya Bott and Eddie Page

Most Likely To Become A Mad Scientist: Georgia Kohr and Hadley Ruebling

Most Likely To Win A Nobel Peace Prize: Layla Pfaff and Galen Kroeger

Most Likely To Start A Band: Emily Holtgrewe and Logan Doyle

Most Likely To Move To Another Country: Emma Gilkison and Gio Marasso

Most Likely To Live On A Farm: Kayla Starr and Chris Buchanan

Most Likely To Have Food Delivered To School: Denia Strickland and Nathaniel Martin

Most Likely To Trip And Fall At Graduation: Jewel Archie and Martin Murphy

Most Likely To Be Mistaken For A Freshman: Carol Flanagan and Liam Cassidy
Most Likely To Be Mistaken For A Teacher: Jayden Sanford and Colton Schroer

Tallest and Smallest: Miciah Crenshaw and Eduardo Zapata

Most Likely To Show Up Late To Class With Starbucks: Abby Trauterman and Donovan Feldwerth

Most Likely To Survive A Zombie Apocalypse: Meg Ellison and Chris Buchanan