Rake Em’ Up
Key Clubs annual leaf raking took place on Nov. 12
The Key Club Raking team smiles for a picture after successfully raking a yard.
The St. Charles High School Key Club did their annual leaf raking event on Nov. 12 and it was a huge success. The Key Club does the leaf raking for the elderly and disabled individuals in their community. This year Key Club was able to get three houses done this year. There were eight volunteers including Emily Russell, a math teacher at St. Charles High School and the sponsor for Key Club.
Key Club does leaf raking as a way to connect to the community and help others in need.
“I think taking leaves helps the community appear more clean and approachable, while also being able to rake leaves for those who aren’t able to do so themselves,” senior Georgia Kohr said.
This year Key Club was treated to free hot cocoa and handmade cookies from one of the owners of the houses they raked.
Russell says they plan on doing leaf raking again next year.
“I feel like it’s hard to live near a high school, like with traffic and so many young people. I feel like it’s nice to have a perk to living here,” Russell said.
This year was one of the most successful years for the leaf raking in terms of the amount of responses they got back according to Russell.
“I feel like this year was more successful than last year partly due to the leaves actually fell on time,” she said.

This year was quite chilly and cold, so although Key Club had more volunteers this year than the years before, the weather put a damper on how many houses they could get to.
Key Club is one of the many clubs in the school, and members say that it’s a great way to get to meet people and a fun way to connect with the community.
Key Club did the hot chocolate run on Dec. 4. It was another event that Key Club also tries to do annually.
“I am looking forward to helping with the St. Louis Hot Chocolate Run that is Dec. 4. I think it will be really fun to do again,” said Kohr.
Key Club is also planning on doing their annual blood drive next semester. They are hopeful they will get plenty of volunteers since last year was canceled due to an unexpected emergency.
“I’m looking forward to a successful blood drive this year, hopefully no unexpected emergencies,” Russell said.
Seniors are already planning on what they will be doing next year after they leave the St. Charles Key Club and most are saying they are planning to continue finding volunteer opportunities and continue to help serve the community.