Saving Daylight Savings Time

Reasons as to why we should keep Daylight Savings

Saving Daylight Savings Time

by Callie King, Photo Editor

Daylight Savings Time is where we set the clocks forward one hour during the summer months, and back again in the fall. We have been using this since 1966 when The Uniform Time Act was established. There are many benefits and disadvantages of Daylight Savings. There are many people who would like to get rid of it because of the disadvantages, but I believe that the advantages are much greater. 

There are many benefits to Daylight Savings. One of the benefits is that we have more daylight hours in the summer. With more hours in the day there is more time to be outside and to get things done. 

Another benefit of Daylight Savings is that the crime rates drop during this time. Research has shown that robbery rates after Daylight Savings Time fall an average of seven percent, with a much larger 27 percent drop during those light-filled evening hours that didn’t exist before the time change. If the crime rates drop it becomes a safer and better environment for everyone. 

In addition the Energy Department experts studied the impact of the extended Daylight Saving Time on energy consumption in the U.S. and found that the extra four weeks of Daylight Saving Time saved about 0.5 percent in total electricity per day. While this might not sound like a lot, it adds up to electricity savings of 1.3 billion kilowatt-hours — or the amount of electricity used by more than 100,000 households for an entire year. While this might not affect you now, it will when you start paying for the electricity bill. These costs add up quickly and keeping Daylight Savings is helping to improve the costs. 

With all of these reasons in mind this is why I believe it would be better to keep Daylight Savings then to get rid of it. Daylight Savings is not only keeping you safer but it is even saving you money.