Stressful Scheduling

Andrea Irizarry works to keep up with the always changing activities schedule

Callie King

Andrea Irizarry working in her corner desk to make the schedules.

by Callie King, Photo Editor

Andrea Irizarry is the new activities secretary here at St. Charles High. With all of the changes due to COVID, it makes her job even more challenging than usual to reschedule all of the buses and games. She attended college at Southeast Missouri State. This is her third year at St. Charles High.  In total she has worked in the school district for eight years. Before coming to St. Charles High she previously worked at Monroe Elementary.

Irizarry said she prefers interacting with the older students.

It’s always good to know there is someone to talk to in the office who loves the people she works around. “I’m open to them coming in and talking to me if there’s issues going on and being a friendly face in the office.” 

She even has a few hobbies outside of her job, one of which is bicycling.  In her spare time she loves to bicycle. During quarantine she was even able to bike 1700 miles.