Covid Cancellations
Everyone has been faced with cancellations outside of school due to Covid-19
One of the biggest cancellations people are facing, are travel plans they had for this summer.
“This summer I was supposed to go on an Italy and Greece tour, as well as a cruise. I was super excited to leave the country for the second time as well as have a senior trip with a hand full of other seniors,” senior Kaylee Loehr said. “But when Covid-19 hit, it was canceled. I’m really sad that I won’t have a senior trip, but I am kinda relieved I have money for next year.”
For some teachers the only plans that were affected were still related to a school event.
“We had our SCHS Wrestling Banquet, a St. Louis Officials Wrestling Banquet (SLOWA), and our Trivia Night Fundraiser cancelled,” wrestling coach Kevin Dill said. “At this point none of them have been rescheduled.”
With the severity of Covid-19, all restaurants had to put a halt on dining in to prevent spreading the illness.
“Work was closed until further notice because it’s food service,” Riverside Sweets employee Cassidy Blanke said. “I think we’re trying to set up a curbside service through the website.”
A lot of people had weddings planned for this spring/summer, but have been required to reschedule them.
“I was supposed to go to a wedding a couple weeks ago, but it’s moved to October now,” junior Sophie Birch said. “It was a good family friend’s wedding, so it impacted their family and I feel bad because now they’re not going to get married until sometime in October. They haven’t picked a new date yet.”
Despite food services not being able to allow people inside, grocery stores are still open to allow people to get the groceries they need, but there is still a fear of spreading the virus.
“Going to the grocery store has become an act of self-destruction,” English teacher Kayla Gilmore said, “and wide-spread fear has really changed a lot of people – for good and bad.”
The form of the virus we are seeing today is a form we have never seen before, resulting in difficulty in answering questions, as well as difficulty knowing when we can return to what life was like before.
“The scary thing is that we’re all learning about it together. This is a brand new experience for all of us,” Gilmore said, “and while we might spend this time catching up on our Netflix, there is so much we can do to work and grow together.”