Time To Shine
Marching Band show features lights
Band marching and performing before the Homecoming Game on Sept. 9.
After last year’s huge show with people falling from great heights, the band’s show this year is more low key, though still big. This year the Marching Band’s show is called Shine.
“In the show, there’s going to be lamp posts with light fixtures.” senior Alec Gray said. “They can be seen right now by the track. They kind of look like shower heads.”
The message behind “Shine” is that everyone should be a positive force in the world and shine brightly. The show is a spoken poem interwoven with the music of the band.
This year there is going to be four movements instead of three and the third movement will be completely drumline and no other instrument.
Movements differ in length depending on the musical piece. Complete pieces are performed in succession, but often times some can be performed separately. Symphonies are divided into four movements.
In addition to a new show, the new Drum Majors are both juniors this year. The Drum Majors are Cristian Buehler and Aneleise Hebenstreit. The band has already won second place overall and Best Percussion at the Edwardsville Competition on Sept. 17.