3/12/2025 at the ship
Excitedly Student Council sponsor Skye Reichert explains the plan for setting up the assembly for the spring fling on Feb. 27. StuCo is in charge of the assembly and the spring fling.
Goal oriented, seniors and members of NHS Noah Case, Hezekiah Hanks, and William Bourgeade strive to achieve their goal of doing their homework on Feb. 25. These NHS students worked hard on their homework and met their deadlines.
Focused, NHS President Connor Bayliss helps fellow NHS student, Isaac Black do his homework on Feb. 25. This helped Black get his work done on time
Seeing his path to victory, sophomore Connor Johns plays a recreational game of chess after winning his online consolation match against Jackson Pope, a student from Jackson High on Feb. 26. “I did good today,” Johns said. “We won one of our games in like 2 minutes and I won mine in like 10…I was thinking about what he was doing and trying to counter that and think ahead.”
SCHS Leadership helps with the set for the spring musical on Friday, Feb. 14. Freshman Caleb Lane and sophomore Gyzell Whitehurst worked together to build the sets as their teacher Nick Saubers directed them with steps.
On Friday, Feb. 14, sophomore Gyzell Whitehurst helps create the set for the spring musical along with her fellow classmates. She used an electric saw for the first time in her life to cut wood that will be used for the set.