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Safe at School

Student opinions on school safety and security
Safe at School

The past two years SCHS has started implementing 4E training to help our students control their reactions and show them what to do in the case of a school intruder. sent out an anonymous survey to the school for the students’ opinions on their safety within the school and these were some of the responses. 

Three people responded with the idea that something has happened for all four years that they have been at this school.

 “The fact in my 4 years of being here there has been bullets found on the ground, attempted arson, police surrounding the school, unknown people have entered, the list goes on.”

Thirteen people had responses about how students are bringing weapons to school, bragging about them, or how our country needs to enforce stricter gun laws.

“The amount of people who talk and brag about having weapons either at home and with them.”

“There’s nothing you can do about it if kids want to shoot us up then they will. I can legally buy a gun right now at the age of 18 but I can’t check myself out of a public high school… cause that makes sense.”

Five people responded that we needed better mental health practices in the school, saying it would help the ‘root’ of the issue because many believe that the ‘intruder’ is more likely to be a student.

“People really need better mental support. Not from just a counselor. But someone that actually cares and shows the support and care. No matter if they are a counselor, teacher, parent, or peer. People need to actually show more empathy and smile more because the lack of is causing those that still have a smile and empathy to fade.”

The remainder of the responses were concerned with the structure of the building. Ranging from doors being left open, the amount of windows, height of building(if we were needing to escape), and the amount of space to hide. 

“The only thing is about the doors in this school because they are windows on the door and it could be easy to break into.”

“Every time I hear a pop or a crash in the commons I immediately feel my stomach drop. The older I get, and the more aware I am of people’s intentions and my own mortality, the more I show up here afraid that today could be the ‘Ordinary day’ something horrible happens.”

This highlights how our community is shifting and how it is affecting the people within. Our world is coming to a harsh and cruel realization and students are aware of the issues around them. Some fear coming to school on a daily basis and nationally something needs to change.

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