St. Charles High School’s FCCLA group held a coffee Friday, on Friday, Feb. 14. They spent all morning getting the stand ready and preparing the ingredients to make the drinks. Many club members take pride in these events and continue to put in work for the club.
“I like that every Friday we get to share a little part of FCCLA to others,” sophomore Matalyn Basler said.
Sophomore Gyzell Whitehurst is one of the first people to vounteer each time coffee Friday rolls around. She is someone who really enjoys the social aspect of these events.
“I like being able to associate with the people in FCCLA and I also like to talk to different people that I have never talked to around the school when they are buying coffee from us,” Whitehurst said.
Whitehurst has a lot of pride in her club and continues to try and put in work in any way that she can, especially while getting that sense of community with coffee Fridays.
“I just really want to help out with the club,” Whitehurst said, “and I want to be like involved and really just get to know everybody.”