Student of the Month
  • Rose Van Berkum, Colleen Ney, Alex Neubauer, Peyton Hess, Talan Mathus, Crystal Roeper Makriako, Grace Basler, Connor Murray, Natasha Jones, Kamiah Drones, Braylen Ballard, James Perkins, Tyley Palmer, Gabriel Lopez, Stevie Myers, Lamia Linson.
The student news source of St. Charles High School


The student news source of St. Charles High School


The student news source of St. Charles High School


End of The Year Important Dates

When is EOC testing? When is AP testing? What are important dates for seniors to know? So many questions- and one article to answer them all!

The end of the year can be a confusing time as students rush to finish important tests, make new schedules, and go on a plethora of field trips. It’s hard to keep track of testing times and upcoming dates, so why not keep all of your testing and senior information in one simple place? Below, observe EOC testing dates for multiple subjects and senior events, and beneath that is the times for AP testing.

EOC testing timeline along with important senior dates
AP testing timeline
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