Theater season is upon us and SCHS is no exception to the joys of the theater. As the fall comes SCHS is preparing for the play “Sherlock Holmes.”
“It has been somewhat of a challenge but in a good way,” the new theater teacher Anna Jennings said. This is Jennings first year directing a high school play. She has been directing kids ages 5-18 for a couple years. This year being the first time to have an all high-school-aged cast.
“Originally the script that we chose does come with plans, but I didn’t like them. So we are designing them ourselves,” she said.
The stage show comes with many props and scenes. Originally made for a bigger stage and audience, Jennings decided it would be best to just create her own stage plans that better fit the stage and work for the show.
“I think it’s going to be really good…Everyone is working really hard,” Jennings said.
She is very set that the play will go great this year because everyone is working hard every week with the cast to prepare for the show this coming November.
All plays need a main role. Sherlock Holmes is played by junior Chase Schnaible. This is Schnaible’s first year being part of any productions put on at the high school.
“To be honest it feels the exact same as any other role cause frankly I’ve never had another role,” Schnaible said.
Schnaible did not intend to become the main character of the play . In fact, he didn’t even audition for any main roles and even wrote on his sheet that he didn’t want a main role.

“I actually didn’t try out for Sherlock Holmes…I put that I was not wanting a main role,” Schnaible said.
In the end he did so well he got the main lead of the show.
“I think that it’s going to be a little awkward at some points but it’s going to go great,” Schnaible said.
Each week Jennings and the cast work hard to memorize their scenes and get placements on the stage. Come see the show playing on Nov. 17 and 18.